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    Academic Year 1994-1995

    * at the beginning of the academic year 1994-1995 *

    The students and the tutsi authorities of the university have tried to do everything for that no hutu student there back. The Hutu took the registration but at the exit of the lists of registered, no hutu student there was, and that way the hutu could not qualify for, or the stock market, nor the rent at the campus, nor the cards of restoration. So, deprived of all social rights. But as the hutu students continued to scream, the situation has been late released thanks to the assistance of the Vice-Rector Dr. Bakunda Athanasius and the rector Dr. IR Pascal Firmin Ndimira. The Rector was subsequently replaced by a tutsi Dr. IR faithful rurihose. Which shows the complicity of the higher authorities. Supported by some authorities tutsi and the president of the asser, the tutsi have not ceased to organize and plan the exclusion of all hutu of the University (students hutu, every worker and professor hutu). After the departure of the rector Dr. IR Pascal Firmin Ndimira, students tutsis, repulsed by professor extremist tutsi ndayishimiye Jean Pierre, have decided to stop the classes in order to hunt the Vice-Rector Dr. Bakunda Athanasius, a hutu who stayed at the rectorate, For reasons not based according to their claims. The Rector Dr. IR Pascal Firmin Ndimira has quickly stated that he is unable to solve the case