It is our duty to objectively tell the true story of Rwanda, which has been suppressed by the regime of Paul Kagame. The political class in Rwanda and their foreign supporters often exaggerate or distort the truth, rather than being honest. Unfortunately, institutional discrimination has led to a reduction in Rwanda’s productive workforce, making it a less inclusive society.

Inclusive Society: A Mirage?
While the government claims to foster an inclusive society, the reality is far from it. Institutional discrimination has marginalized certain groups, hindering their ability to contribute fully to the nation’s development. The political elite, in their pursuit of power and control, have created a system that favors a select few, leaving the majority of Rwandans behind. This exclusionary approach has stifled the potential of Rwanda’s productive manpower, preventing the nation from reaching its true potential.



















The Suppression of Dissent:
Under the guise of national unity, the Kagame regime has silenced any form of dissent or criticism. Freedom of speech and expression are severely curtailed, with journalists, activists, and opposition figures facing intimidation, imprisonment, or worse. This suppression of voices has created an environment of fear and self-censorship, further hindering the honest articulation of Rwanda’s true story.

The political opposition of Rwanda in the diaspora has failed to take advantage of the weaknesses of the criminal cabal led by Paul Kagame. They have not set the agenda.

Instead, they fight over a delusional political space, hoping to enrich themselves perpetually. As a result, most Rwandan politicians are parasitic by nature and prioritize their political parties over the interests of Rwandans. This is why they are averse to factual and constructive criticism. Critics of the regime are often labelled as enemies, but it is important to objectively evaluate their perspectives. Many of these critics are former cadres of the Juvenal Habyarimana and Paul Kagame regimes, which may influence their views. However, it is crucial to consider their arguments on their own merits and avoid dismissing them solely based on their past affiliations.


















RwandaThe opposition political class has not been successful in exploiting Paul Kagame’s weaknesses. During the mobilisation of the RPF in the late 1980s, it was difficult to unite Rwandans, even to sell RPF membership cards. In fact, 85% of the cards were never purchased. It is worth noting that Paul Kagame, who was not yet a criminal at the time, did not buy a membership card for the RPF. This behaviour is typical of Rwandans during times of struggle. He would often tell people at Basima House in Uganda to inform us that he was not present, but we could see him peeping through the window.

A Call for Honesty and Inclusion:
It is high time that we break free from the shackles of this manufactured narrative and demand transparency and inclusivity in Rwanda. The real story of Rwanda, with all its complexities and challenges, must be told. Only by acknowledging and addressing the institutional discrimination and exclusion can Rwanda truly progress towards a more inclusive society.

Rwanda’s journey towards reconciliation and development cannot be complete without an honest and inclusive narrative. The suppression of dissent and the peddling of exaggerated lies have hindered the nation’s progress. It is our patriotic and spiritual duty to unveil the untold story of Rwanda, shedding light on the institutional discrimination that has marginalized its productive manpower. By demanding honesty and inclusivity, we can pave the way for a brighter future for all Rwandans.

The Failure to Exploit Weaknesses:
Despite the numerous flaws and weaknesses within President Kagame’s regime, the political opposition in the diaspora has been unable to effectively capitalize on them. This failure can be attributed to their preoccupation with personal gains and the perpetuation of their own political parties. Rather than focusing on the needs and aspirations of the Rwandan people, they prioritize their own interests, rendering them ineffective in challenging the ruling regime.

The Parasitic Nature of Rwandan Politicians:
The self-serving nature of many Rwandan politicians is evident in their actions and priorities. They prioritize their political parties over the well-being of the Rwandan population, making them parasites by nature. This self-centred approach hinders their ability to unite and work towards a common goal of bringing about positive change in Rwanda. Consequently, they become allergic to any form of criticism, dismissing it as an attack on their personal interests.

The Need for Constructive Criticism:
One of the key reasons behind the opposition’s failure to challenge Dictator Kagame’s regime is their aversion to factual and positive criticism. Rather than embracing feedback and using it to improve their strategies, they label any criticism as an act of hostility. This defensive stance prevents them from learning from their mistakes and hinders their growth as effective opposition leaders

The Challenges Faced by the Opposition in Exploiting Criminal Paul Kagame’s Weakness

It is not surprising that the opposition political class has struggled to effectively exploit the weaknesses of Criminal Paul Kagame. Even during the mobilization of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) in the late 1980s, uniting Rwandans and selling RPF membership cards proved to be a significant challenge. In fact, a staggering 85% of the membership cards remained unsold, including one that was never purchased by Paul Kagame himself.

The Elusive Kagame:
During the RPF mobilization period, Paul Kagame, the man who would later become the President of Rwanda, was known for his evasive tactics. He never bought an RPF membership card and would often claim to be absent when approached at Basima House in Uganda. However, keen observers could catch glimpses of him peeping through the window. This behaviour exemplifies the complex nature of Rwandans during times of political struggle.

Challenges Faced by the Opposition:
1. Lack of Unity:
Uniting Rwandans under a common cause has always been a daunting task. The opposition political class has struggled to rally the masses due to deep-rooted divisions and historical grievances. These divisions have hindered the exploitation of Kagame’s weaknesses, as the opposition has failed to present a united front.

2. Limited Resources:
The opposition’s ability to effectively exploit Kagame’s weaknesses has been hampered by limited financial and logistical resources. Unlike the ruling party, the Rwanda Patriotic Front, RPF  which has access to state resources, the opposition often finds itself at a disadvantage when it comes to organizing campaigns and mobilizing support.

3. Repressive Measures:
The Kagame regime has consistently employed repressive measures to suppress dissent and stifle opposition activities. This includes intimidation, harassment, and even imprisonment of political opponents. Such tactics have created a climate of fear, making it difficult for the opposition to operate freely and gain traction among the population.

4. Propaganda Machinery:
The ruling party, under Kagame’s leadership, has established a formidable propaganda machinery that effectively controls the narrative and shapes public opinion. This has made it challenging for the opposition to counter the regime’s narrative and expose Kagame’s weaknesses to the wider population.

5. International Support:
Kagame’s international reputation as a strong leader and Rwanda’s economic progress has garnered significant support from the international community. This support has often overshadowed the opposition’s efforts to highlight Kagame’s weaknesses and gain international backing. The opposition has struggled to effectively communicate its message and garner the necessary support to challenge the regime.

The opposition’s failure to exploit Paul Kagame’s weaknesses can be attributed to a combination of factors, including the lack of unity, limited resources, repressive measures, a powerful propaganda machinery, and international support for the regime. These challenges have made it difficult for the opposition to effectively mobilize and rally the masses against Kagame’s rule. However, it is crucial for the opposition to continue its efforts, adapt strategies, and find innovative ways to overcome these obstacles. Only through perseverance and resilience can the opposition hope to bring about meaningful change in Rwanda.
















Businesses owned by criminal Paul Kagame and his cronies in the centre of Kigali don’t represent the whole of Rwanda! Since when did clean swept roads become a measure of per capita income?! In any case, the people who don’t tell the true story of Rwanda are sabotaging Rwandans from eradicating poverty.

If the truth be told, Paul Kagame’s cabal behave more like ghetto thugs who drive expensive cars, wear expensive clothes and jewellery, hang out with the rich and famous, live by violence and die by violence, love to show off and are very loud. But their neighbourhoods and communities are always dilapidated and miserable. So they always put the interests of outsiders before those of their own communities.

The shameless use of foreign parasites by the Paul Kagame cabal to distort the real picture of Rwanda and promote a false narrative is a sign of a fraudulent government suffering from an advanced inferiority complex. A government that relies on foreigners to cover up its dictatorial tendencies such as subjugation, incompetence, filth, greed, state terrorism, corruption and self-importance is indeed anti-Rwandan. Therefore, Paul Kagame’s bum sniffers are lowlifes, just like the infamous Interahamwe bum sniffers. That’s why they are careerist parasites who use fake terms like “Friends of Rwanda”, “Rwanda Advisory Board” and “Experts of Rwanda” to continue to fleece Rwandans.

The Rwandan people have become victims of a parasitic dictatorship financed and supported by international capitalist hyenas. The Western political class has arrogantly continued to use its imperialist supremacist tendencies to disregard genuine social development, democracy and equality in Rwanda. That’s why they encourage discrimination against Rwandan children by only sponsoring girls and abandoning boys.

RwandaBut we shouldn’t always blame the imperialists, because discrimination is in their DNA. The blame should be placed on their house negro, Paul Kagame, who always behaves like a homeless stray dog that’s always looking for a new master. Of course, slave masters love dogs more than humanity. That’s why they endlessly praise their stray dog, Paul Kagame.

The poverty and oppression in Rwanda are severe. It is clear that the people have been let down by their leaders and foreign supporters. Despite this, the Rwandan population has shown remarkable resilience in the face of a parasitic dictatorship supported by the West.


Every day, our people are subjected to the painful humiliation of seeing the remains of Tutsi genocide victims displayed on the market altar for the profit of criminal Paul Kagame’s regime. This is a violation of the victims’ dignity and a desecration of their memory.

The regime led by Paul Kagame and their self-proclaimed ‘experts of Rwanda’ will not overcome the resilient spirit of the Rwandan people.

Sub Delegate

Joram Jojo
