Rwanda Unveiled: News, Culture, and Community Forums Exposed The Rwandan Fake Economic miracle

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    Rwandan Miracle

    In his book entitled Poor Numbers, Morten Jerven cautioned against taking African development statics at face value, given the high political and financial stakes attached to these numbers, as well as the lack of institutional mechanisms to prevent political interference in many countries. Few countries illustrate his case more starkly than Rwanda. As An Ansoms et al pointed out in an article in the print issue of ROAPE earlier this year, ‘Statistics versus livelihoods: questioning Rwanda’s pathway out of poverty, the Rwandan government has used its record on poverty reduction and economic growth to legitimize its authoritarian rule and to deflect criticism of its human rights record, just as the previous regime had done up until 1990. Furthermore, Rwanda’s spectacular recovery after the genocide has made it somewhat of a “donor darling”, and has enabled the government to attract significant foreign resources in the form of aid from donors desperate to claim a share in this African success story.

    Yet, questions have been mounting in recent years about the reality and sustainability of the “Rwandan miracle”, given the heavy-handed nature of the state-led agricultural transformation project (Dawson et al. 2016), and the government’s propensity for debt-financed investments in unproductive prestige projects, such as the Kigali Convention Centre. These questions came to a head in September 2015, when the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) published a poverty profile (NISR, 2015) based on the most recent household budget survey (EICV4 by its French acronym). The report claimed that the proportion of Rwandans living below the poverty line had fallen from 45% in 2010 to 39% in 2014, after a string of similarly successful decreases in the previous surveys. Two months later, Filip Reyntjens published a critique, claiming that the “decrease” in poverty had been artificially engineered by NISR by changing the type of poverty line used, from an “average” consumption basket based on actual consumption patterns of poor Rwandan households, to a “minimum” or “optimal” consumption basket, containing mostly highly caloric and inexpensive food types.

    The change is not in itself problematic, as the choice of a poverty line is always, to some extent, arbitrary and there are many different acceptable ways to define a poverty line. The normative minimum consumption basket adopted by NISR is one such way. However, to make trend comparisons, all experts agree that it is crucial to use consistent methodologies, assumptions and definitions across time. Reyntjens claimed that had they done that, they would have found the proportion of people living below the minimum poverty line to have increased by 6 percentage points between 2010 and 2014. Unfortunately, Reyntjens never published the syntax files he used to compute his estimate. Neither did NISR accept to publish its own syntax files. Without this key piece of evidence, the debate has never been closed from a technical point of view, as it is impossible to show convincingly whether poverty has actually increased or decreased in Rwanda between 2010 and 2014.

    We hope to contribute to settling this issue by publishing open, transparent and verifiable syntax files built using a publicly available dataset, which can be downloaded from NISR’s own microdata catalogue on its website (the two syntax files can be opened with .txt notepad or STATA software here). There are many ways to compute these things and there are innumerable adjustments and assumptions that must be made to arrive at an aggregate number. Consequently, it is difficult to replicate exactly the official estimates without access to the original syntax files. However, we hope that by submitting these to public scrutiny, such differences can be ironed out in an open and transparent manner, and any mistakes can be corrected to arrive at an estimate that all parties can accept. In constructing these estimates, our main priority has been to ensure consistency between the two surveys. We therefore try to use exactly the same code and assumptions in both years wherever possible. Below, we provide an overview of the key parameters and assumptions that entered the construction of these indices. Since there are several different poverty lines that have been generated by now, we decided to compute trends for all of them, namely:

    • Average consumption basket: representing the minimum amount required to consume 2,500 kcal per day (adjusted for age and gender), using prevailing culinary habits of poor Rwandan households in 2001. This was the official poverty line used in 2001, 2005, 2010.
    • Updated average basket: representing the minimum amount required to consume 2,500 kcal per day (adjusted for age and gender), using prevailing culinary habits of poor Rwandan households in 2014. This was the new poverty line computed by NISR in 2014, which should have been used in EICV4, but was never used because it was deemed too high.
    • Minimum consumption basket: representing the minimum amount required to consume 2,500 kcal per day (adjusted for age and gender), using optimal (i.e. cheap and highly caloric) food types. This was the official poverty line used in 2014 (EICV4).
    • Reyntjen’s poverty line: Reyntjens argued that since the minimum consumption basket was 19% lower than the updated average basket, trend comparisons with 2010 should have been made using a poverty line that was 19% lower than the one used in 2010.[1] For this poverty line, we did not construct a food basket, but simply calculated 81% of the figure from the total poverty line computed from the average consumption basket.

    In all consumption baskets, the quantities and caloric values are kept constant across surveys. Prices for each item are given as the national median price across regions and across months, as reported in the auto-consumption module of the EICV survey (see table 3 below). Consumption aggregates have been adjusted for spatial and temporal price differences using a Laspeyres index (see table 2 below). The Laspeyres index was chosen because it yielded estimates that were closest to official poverty estimates in EICV3 for the average basket. The choice of price index does not affect the conclusions of this post.

    The results are reported in table 1 below. All poverty lines yield similar trends when used consistently over time, indicating that poverty increased between 5% and 7% points between 2010 and 2014. All changes are statistically significant at the 5% level.

    It should be noted that our results differ from those obtained by simply updating the poverty line for inflation using CPI data, as was done by NISR in their 2016 trend report (NISR, 2016). In principle, if the data are of good quality and sufficiently disaggregated, both methods should be equivalent and should not yield significantly different results. This therefore raises questions about the quality / reliability of official CPI data, and/or the quality of price data collected by the EICV. In either case, this would undermine our ability to correctly estimate poverty levels in Rwanda. The discrepancies found here should invite us to more closely scrutinize official statistics coming out of the Rwandan statistical office. GDP growth figures appear to be incompatible with the findings of the EICV survey, given than agriculture still accounts for about one third of GDP and two thirds of the labour force.


    Table 1: Summary of poverty lines and poverty rates

      Average basket Updated basket Minimum basket Reyntjen’s poverty line
      2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014 2010 2014
    Share of non-food[2] (% of total cons.) 31 34.8
    Total caloric intake (kcal/ adult/ day) 1346 1215 1212
    Total food cost per pers./year (Rwf) 96,797 121,795 98,069 125,504 77,559 101,116
    Non-food component (Rwf/ pers/year) 43,489 54,720 52,344 66,987 41,397 53,899
    Total poverty line (Rwf/ pers/ year) 140,286 176,515 150,413 192,491 118,956 155,015 113,632 142,977
    Poverty rate (% of pop< tot. pov. Line) 45.2 50.2 49.2 55.8 35.2 42.2 32.5 37.1
    Change in poverty rate +5* +6.6* +7* +4.6*
    *Change is statistically significant at 5% level

    Table 2: Laspeyres price index by quarter and province (computed from price data in auto-consumption file)

    2010 Kigali City Southern Western Northern Eastern
    First quarter 1.47 0.98 0.89 0.98 1.14
    Second quarter 1.31 0.98 0.92 0.96 1.05
    Third quarter 1.38 0.98 0.92 0.98 1.13
    Fourth quarter 1.31 0.98 0.92 1.00 1.14
    2014 Kigali City Southern Western Northern Eastern
    First quarter 1.22 0.93 1.01 0.96 1.09
    Second quarter 1.20 0.95 0.96 0.91 1.08
    Third quarter 1.27 0.98 1.06 1.05 1.04
    Fourth quarter 1.14 0.92 1.07 0.99 1.02

    Table 3: Food baskets used to compute poverty lines

      both years 2010 2014 both years both years both years
    Sweet potato 92 80 100 0.4033 0.3114 0.0915
    Irish Potato 67 120 150 0.1763 0.1257 0.0242
    Banana – cooking (Inyamunyo) 75 120 150 0.0573 0.0783 0.0227
    Dry beans 341 300 400 0.1130 0.0758 0.0758
    Cassava (root) 109 100 150 0.0410 0.0694 0.0694
    Cassava (flour) 338 200 300 0.0134 0.0391 0.0063
    Sorghum juice(Ubushera) 173 150 180 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
    Tomato 17 200 200 0.0106 0.0146 0.0146
    Corn (flour) 363 300 350 0.0100 0.0184 0.0012
    Cabbages 19 100 100 0.0207 0.0172 0.0172
    Local Banana beer 48 300 300 0.0096 0.0000 0.0000
    Avocado 119 90 100 0.0036 0.0143 0.0494
    Amarante (small leafed green) 22 100 150 0.0124 0.0150 0.0150
    Local sorghum beer(ikigage) 173 150 180 0.0150 0.0000 0.0000
    Cassava (fermented) 362 150 200 0.0056 0.0113 0.1097
    Dry maize (grain) 356 180 240 0.0103 0.0138 0.0225
    Eggplant 21 150 200 0.0070 0.0082 0.0082
    Cassava leaves 53 150 200 0.0068 0.0093 0.0093
    Local rice 280 500 600 0.0027 0.0092 0.0035
    Tarot/amateke 86 100 150 0.0098 0.0189 0.0476
    Maize (fresh) 36 100 150 0.0065 0.0000 0.0000
    Fresh milk 61 150 200 0.0010 0.0062 0.0062
    Fresh bean 53 200 250 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000
    Banana fruit (Imineke) 60 150 200 0.0038 0.0056 0.0028
    Sorghum (flour) 343 300 350 0.0031 0.0051 0.0075
    Onion 24 250 325 0.0017 0.0024 0.0024
    Curdled Milk 75 200 200 0.0007 0.0053 0.0053
    Local banana juice 48 200 200 0.0000 0.0035 0.0020
    Groundnut flour 387 900 1000 0.0004 0.0000 0.0000
    Sorghum 343 250 250 0.0253 0.0028 0.0143
    Amarante (large leafed green) 22 100 170 0.0039 0.0028 0.0028
    Pumpkin 19 100 100 0.0068 0.0058 0.0058
    Pineapple 26 100 125 0.0002 0.0013 0.0013
    Carrot 38 200 250 0.0003 0.0011 0.0011
    Papayas 26 100 150 0.0006 0.0014 0.0014
    Mangos 45 100 125 0.0000 0.0022 0.0074
    Beef meat 150 1400 1400 0.0006 0.0016 0.0000
    Green pea (fresh) 37 400 500 0.0006 0.0000 0.0000
    Fish (fresh / frozen) 49 1000 1020 0.0005 0.0000 0.0000
    Eggs 139 70 240 0.0007 0.0009 0.0009
    Guava 17 70 100 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000
    Soya (dry) 335 300 400 0.0000 0.0004 0.0004
    Yams/Ibikoro 109 130 160 0.0000 0.0104 0.0104
    Pepper 17 250 300 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000
    Plums 24 425 600 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000
    Pork meat 220 1150 1400 0.0000 0.0003 0.0000
    Wheat (flour) 364 350 450 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000
    Goat meat 164 1500 1800 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000
    Orange (local) 34 200 200 0.0000 0.0002 0.0002
    String bean 32 200 200 0.0068 0.0000 0.0000
    Soya (fresh) 405 200 250 0.0023 0.0000 0.0000
    Green pea (dry) 339 500 700 0.0010 0.0000 0.0000
    Ground nuts (peanuts) 567 800 1000 0.0009 0.0001 0.0001
    Fish (dry / smoked) 199 500 500 0.0000 0.0127 0.0127
    Other Meats 126 550 800 0.0000 0.0000 0.0005
    Bread 261 239 303 0.0011 0.0000 0.0000
    Imported rice 363 460 583 0.0014 0.0000 0.0000
    Palm oil 884 668 846 0.0036 0.0000 0.0000
    Sugar (local) 380 500 634 0.0027 0.0000 0.0000

    The authors of this article have asked for anonymity.  

    Featured Photograph: Parc National des Volcans, Rwanda. August 4, 2005


    Reyntjens, F. 2015. “Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics: Poverty Reduction Rwandan-style and How the Aid Community Loves It.” Blog of 3 November 2015 posted on

    NISR. 2015. Rwanda Poverty Profile Report 2013/2014: Results of Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey. Kigali: NISR.

    An Ansoms, Esther Marijnen, Giuseppe Cioffo, and Jude Murison, “Statistics versus livelihoods: questioning Rwanda’s pathway out of poverty”, Review Of African Political Economy Vol. 44 , Iss. 151, 2017.

    National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR), Poverty Trend Analysis Report, June 2016.

    Jerven, Morten. Poor numbers: how we are misled by African development statistics and what to do about it. Cornell University Press, 2013.

    Dawson, Neil, Adrian Martin, and Thomas Sikor. ‘Green revolution in sub-saharan Africa: Implications of imposed innovation for the wellbeing of rural smallholders.’ World Development 78 (2016): 204-218.


    [1] Note that Reyntjens argument is not strictly speaking correct, since it would still require us to compare two different consumption baskets. To be methodologically sound, the 19% reduction would thus need to be applied to the same basket in both years, as we are doing here.

    [2] In the average consumption basket, the non-food component is computed based on the average food share for households in the 7th decile in 2001. In the updated and minimum baskets, the non-food components are computed based on the average food share for households in the 5th decile in 2014.

    [3] National median price of product as reported in the auto-consumption module.


    Fake Rwandan Political Organisations are a disgrace to Democracy

    Two of the biggest political organisations in the country have separately decided to back the incumbent President Paul Kagame as their candidate of choice in the forthcoming presidential elections to be held in August.

    Social Democratic Party (PSD) was the first to express their commitment to endorse Kagame –who hails from RPF Inkotanyi – as their rightful candidate, during a special congress on Saturday afternoon.

    President of PSD speaks during the special congress and the celebration of 25th anniversary of the Party. Nadege Imbabazi.
    A similar position was assumed yesterday afternoon by Liberal Party (PL), which also backed Kagame for President in their extraordinary congress held in Kigali yesterday.

    Kagame, who is yet to be decided upon as the presidential flagbearer by his own political party RPF-Inkotanyi is the likely candidate of choice for many Rwandans irrespective of their party affiliation.

    In 2015, over four million Rwandans petitioned parliament calling for the amendment of the constitution to allow for President Kagame, who was serving what would be his last term, to stand again.

    During PSD’s extraordinary congress, which coincided with the party’s 25th anniversary, Party President Dr Vincent Biruta said that the objective of his party was not about to “simply contest” for the sake of it, but rather support whoever it is that seek to foster Rwanda socio-economic transformation.

    “We have a unique way of doing things in our country and of course unique belief in our party. Our belief is towards democracy, and socio-economic transformation of our country, not just to contest for the sake of it.

    “When we examined all that, we found out that President Paul Kagame is the candidate we believe in, and whom we shall support in the forthcoming presidential elections,” Biruta told reporters, shortly after the congress.

    There was general consensus on this position among members of the party’s delegates and those that took up the microphone to speak all commended the incumbent for his “visionary leadership.”

    PSD members dance during the celebration of 25th anniversary of existence. Nadege Imbabazi
    His leadership, they said, has fostered unity and reconciliation of Rwandans as well as socio- economic transformation of the country.

    When asked if PSD was not too quick to endorse Kagame before his own party RPF-Inkotanyi reaches the final conclusion to front him as their presidential candidate, Biruta said that, “our party, again, can always sit and decide.”

    “But I don’t see that happening. He (Kagame) agreed to heed to the demands of Rwandans, and it is evident that majority of Rwandan still want him to stay. I want to think that his party also listens to the wishes the majority Rwandans,” Biruta added.

    PL, on the other hand, during the extraordinary congress also announced that they wouldn’t front anyone else during August presidential polls but rather back Kagame.

    Party president Donatille Mukabalisa announced that PL was satisfied with decision reached upon by the party congress to back the incumbent, with a view that he would put into considerations the aspirations of PL as well as those of all Rwandans.

    During 2010 presidential election, PL’s Prosper Higiro and Jean Damascene Ntawukuliryayo of PSD contested against President Kagame.

    Meanwhile, the ruling RPF-Inkotanyi is still conducting party primaries to decide on the flagbearer in August’s presidential elections.

    Last weekend, the party held primaries at the district level.


    Ines Mpambara

    Ines MpambaraA few weeks ago, on my timeline, I asked a simple question on who is the real prime minister of Rwanda. From my recollection, it’s only Joseph Ntwari who gave the answer which is similar to what I have in mind; this doesn’t mean that others were wrong. It only depends on one’s perspective of Rwanda’s contemporary politics which is next to pure chaos. Why did I ask such a question? The main reason for asking the question was to try to understand on the central figure that leads the government especially when Rwanda’s mobile president is on his habitual useless foreign trips. This is a complex question when you consider how criminal Paul Kagame has built the ruling system.

    The system were individuals spy against each other, departments spying against each other, public officials spying against each other, different factions trying to outplay while debriefing against each other to the supreme ruler – Paul Kagame, rumour mongering being a virtue of the system and terror working as a modus operandi. In Rwanda, political power is very highly centralised in the hands of Paul Kagame.

    On paper, Anastase Murekezi is the prime minister. In reality, he is only a ghost worker – prime minister. He is only an ineffectual figure whose role is to sign documents, attend local government functions and give speeches around the country. Attending any foreign assignment on behalf of the country is a taboo for this yes man who was appointed at this post for image purpose, to show Rwandans that Hutus are also holding high offices in Kagame’s land. Without forgetting, this whitewash prime minister doesn’t seat in any security meeting or ever receive any security briefing.

    For those who studied the basics of political Science, will understand that political power is about asserting influence and ability to control the behaviours of those you’re leading; for Anastase Murekezi, the man has NO single political power. He is a lame duck prime minister, a powerless stooge. In the prime minister’s office, Anastase Murekezi is always under the constant eye of Kampeta Sayinzoga, wife to criminal Kagame’s nephew and the current director of cabinet in the prime minister’s office. This young lady runs the prime minister’s office. Back to my question, who is the real prime minister of Rwanda?

    The real prime minister of Rwanda, with real prime ministerial functions, power and command; the person who runs and coordinates daily government businesses is criminal Paul Kagame’s chief of staff, Ines Mpambara. Unlike other Kagamist stooges, Ines Mpambara is totally smart, in a short time she was able to learn and master the political intrigues within criminal Kagame’s office. Ines Mpambara was a staffer in Jeannette Kagame’s scam charity organisation “Imbuto foundation,” Where she was in charge of doctoring financial documentations and other reports, in order for this charity organisation to continue getting financial support from donor countries and western philanthropists.

    In trying to increase a number of confidants in the president’s office, Jeanette Kagame transferred her from her scam charity organisation to work in the president office. This was the time when Jack Nziza and Jeannette Kagame were the de facto controllers of the state, the time when they were disposing their perceived enemies and appointing there royalists in key positions. With the help of Jack Nziza under the recommendation of Jeanette Kagame, Ines Mpambara was appointed the president’s chief of staff in 2009. With the backing of Jeannette Kagame and Gen. Jack Nziza, her confidence grew and she quickly mastered the art of dirty political intrigue which blows within the RPF’s terrorist organisation.

    8 years down the line, Ines Mpambara is now the most powerful individual in Rwanda. Last year’s marital problems within the criminal ruler’s house, led to re-organisation of the power structure within Paul Kagame’s inner circle. Jeanette Kagame was totally stripped of her political powers, needing the intervention of President Museveni to save her from total humiliation and the wrath of Paul Kagame. Gen Jack Nziza’s closeness to Jeannette Kagame, led to being unceremoniously dumped from the role of Inspector General of the Army (IGA) and the IGA role being permanently deleted within the RDF. His role of being the chief intelligence enforcer was moved to his nemesis, Gen. Dan Munyuza. On political front, Ines Mpambara became the real prime minister, absorbing all political powers and influence that Jeannette Kagame once held.

    For example, no senior civil servant – minister can go for a foreign trip without the approval of Ines Mpambara’s office. No ministerial or government department report/project can be released/initiated without her office’s approval. She plays a big role in the national budget, especially in agreeing on government expenditures with Caleb Rwamuganza, the permanent Secretary at the ministry of Finance and economic planning being her errand boy in that ministry. Since Rwanda’s criminal ruler is always on endless and useless foreign trips, she was introduced in the country’s security circles, thus seating and receiving daily security briefings especially when criminal Paul Kagame is out of the country. No senior serving or retired army officer from the rank of a major upward can travel on a foreign trip without her office’s approval; this is done in coordination with Paul Kagame. In short, Ines Mpambara is the focal point in the coordination and running of the country. Don’t be mistaken by her baby face, she is politically shrewd, tough and ruthless.

    As Rebecca Mackinnon once said, “Thanks to the internet in general and social media in particular, the people now have a mechanism to hold authorities accountable for wrongdoing. Major political power struggles and scandals are no longer kept within elite circles.”

    N.B: Rwanda’s real prime minister, Ines Mpambara as former lecturer of contemporary mass communication, she is obsessed with social media and operating – commanding different accounts under pseudo names. Her, together with Paul Kagame and Ange Kagame; they are the ones who run criminal Paul Kagame’s social media accounts.



    muri White Lodge police yafatiyemo muri chambre Executive Secretary w’Akagari ka Ngeruka ,umurenge Ngeruka,Akarere Bugesera witwa Ntabahwana Gerard 29yrs aryamanye n’abakobwa 02 babanyeshuri biga kuri catholique Nyamata aribo Musayidire Diane 17yrs na Mukobuteta Mukizwa Kevine 17yrs Bose biga Mu mwaka wa Gatanu.



    Ubwo mu Rwanda hizihizwaga isabukuru nkenya y’imyaka 23 ishize u Rwanda ruboshywe, Perezida Kagame yahawe impundu-nduru n’abaturage b’uturere tune: Nyabihu, Musanze, Muhanga na Gakenke, aho yari yabakusanyirije i Shyira, ngo abatongere.

    Ikitazwi neza ni ukumenya niba izo mpundu-nduru cyangwa se izo mpundu ziganjemo induru zatangwaga n’abamukwena, cyangwa niba ari urwunge rw’amajwi y’inkomamashyi z’abidishyi be n’ay’abamuvugirizaga induru yo kuba akomeje guhekura u Rwanda no kumenesha bene rwo.


    Kuva u Rwanda rwabaho, ntirwigeze rubaho mu bihe by’icuraburindi nk’ibyo rurimo ubu, mu myaka 23 ishize Kagame arushyize ku ngoyi y’iyicarubozo, ubukene, urugomo, n’ikubagahu ry’amahano.

    Ingoyi ya 1: Uburezi: Jenerali Kagame yaboshye uburezi bw’u Rwanda, abushyira ku ngoyi imenagura agatuza, abarimu, ababyeyi n’abanyeshuri bose barumiwe. Abarimu ntibagihembwa, n’abahembwa bahabwa intica ntikize, dore ko na Kagame ubwe ajya ayita serumu y’umurwayi utegereje kunogoka .

    Si abarimu gusa bazahajwe n’uburezi, kuko ababyeyi bo barashobewe, nyuma yo kubura ishuri na rimwe imbere mu gihugu bareresherezamo abana babo ngo bamenye, bajijuke. Iki cyuho gikaze giterwa no kuba na ya mashuri yigenga yigishaga ibizima, asigaye ahabwa porogaramu (Curricula) zicurikiranye, umwarimu akajijwa, abo yigisha bo bagata umutwe.

    Abana b’abayobozi n’ab’abifite bo ntibashobora kwigira mu Rwanda, bafata rutemikirere bakajya kure guhahirayo ubumenyi bufite ireme. Abana b’abaherwe cyangwa se b’abayobozi iyo batambutse amazi magari bikaba ngombwa ko bigira mu Rwanda, bagana ibigo bidafite gahunda nyarwanda, bigendera ku myigishirize mvaburayi (Ecole Belge, Ecole Francaise, gahunda mpuzamahanga (Cambridge)…)

    Abigira mu ngirwamashuri yo mu Rwanda rwa Kanyengoyi Kagame, bo barinda barangiza Kaminuza batazi kuvuga ururimi na rumwe, rwaba urwa kavukire cyangwa se iz’amahanga. Cyakora ikoranabubingwa ryiganjemo ubujura n’ubucakura buhanitse, byo usanga babiminujemo, kuko nta kindi gishoboka, ababigisha babasagurira ku byo batojwe, kuko ntawe utanga icyo adafite.

    Ingoyi ya 2: UBUZIMA: Jenerali Kagame yaboshye ubuzima bw’Abanyarwanda abuheza umwuka, ababyeyi barapfa babyara, impinja zipfa zivuka nazo ntizigira ingano, byose bitewe no kutitabwaho, ubunenganenzi, ibikoresho bike n’ubumenyi bwa ntabwo mu by’ubuzima.

    Ibigo nderabuzima ntibikibaho, ibitaro n’amavuriro ntibigira abaganga n’imiti abarwaryi bategekwa kuyigurira kugeza ku bipfukisho by’ibisebe, kandi baba bagejejwe kwa muganga ari indembe / intere, utabishoboye ntarenza umunsi.

    Kagame Paul, umugore we Nyiramongi Jeannaette n’abambari babo, bategeje u Rwanda  imiti y’imicurano itujuje ubuziranenge, ikorwa n’inganda zabo ziri mu mahanga cyane cyane muri Aziya (U Buhinde, ibihugu by’Abarabu n’ahandi). Imiti bo ubwabo n’ababo badashobora kwikoza, kuko n’ufashwe n’igicurane mu bakomeye yurira indege akajya kurwariza ishyanga.

    Ubwisungane mu buzima, bwabaye igihu gikingwa mu maso ya ba NYAKUJYA bagize igice kinini cy’Abanyarwanda (Hejuru ya 98%), babeshywa ko bahawe ubwishingizi bwo kwivuza, kandi nabwo mu mafaranga yabo bwite, nyamara nta miti babona, nta serivisi nzima, n’aho bivuriza bagasuzugurwa mu buryo bukabije.

    Ingoyi ya 3: DIPOLOMASI: Kuva u Rwanda rwabaho, nta gihe rwigeze rugwiza abanzi nk’uko biri ubu. Kagame yashenye imibanire y’Abanyarwanda imbere mu gihugu, asenya n’imibanire y’u Rwanda n’ibindi bihugu, hakaba hari henshi ku Isi Abanyarwandna bagenda bububa kubera ipfunwe baterwa no kuba bayoborwa na Gica Ruharwa rwazonze Abanyarwanda.

    Umunyarwanda aragenda yikandagira mu bihugu bituranyi, DRC, Uganda, Tanzania n’u Burundi, kandi siko byahoze. Zambia, South Africa, Malawi, Zimbabwe, n’ahandi, bahagera bareba nk’ibisambo kuko baba bumva badatekanye. Iyi ni ingoyi u Rwanda rwashyizweho na Kaboshyi Kagame.

    Ingoyi ya 4: UBUCURUZI:Gucururiza mu Rwanda ntibigishoboka, n’ababigerageza ni ukubara ubucyeye. Bwihariwe na bamwe, abandi bose bakababera abagaragaragu n’abacakara. Iyo ubaciye mu rihumye ubucuruzi bwawe bukazamuka, Kagame rutwitsi aguteza ba rutwitsi yatoje, inkongi igatikiza ibyawe, no gusubira ku isuka ntubishobore.

    Ingoyi ya 5: UBUKUNGU: Kagame yaboshye ubukungu arabuniga, akirirwa ahubwo yaya amafaranga make u Rwanda rufite ayaha abazungu bamushushanyiriza Raporo mpimbano z’iterambere rya baringa ngo ririri mu Rwanda, nyamara ubukungu bw’igihugu bumanuka umunsi ku wundi. Ifaranga ryataye agaciro kurenza ibindi bihe byose u Rwanda rwabayeho, imirima nticyera, n’iyeraga abaturage bategekwa kuyihingamo ibyo batazasarura. Pahulo Kagame yimakaje ruswa n’icyenewabo, nabyo biragenda bimunga ubukungu bibukubita hasi.

    Ingoyi  ya 6: IBIKORWA REMEZO: imihanda irubakwa ikocamye ntimare kabiri, amazu arubakwa ntatere kabiri. Amazu manini y’imiturirwa nayo akomeje kubakwa akingwa mu maso y’Abanyarwanda ngo bayitiranye n’iterambere, nyamara ibyo bakeneye ntibyubakwe!  Ni henshi bahora binginga ngo bubakirwe amateme, ibitaro n’amashuri, ariko Kagame ntabyitayeho, icyo areba si inyungu z’abaturage ahubwo ni ibyo kuratira amahanga ngo akomeze amuhe ibyo kuroha mu gifu cye.

    Amazi meza ari kujya ku gipimo cyo hasi ugereranyije n’uko byahoze, naho amashanyarazi yo kuri bamwe bakomeje kuyumva bugani.

    Ingoyi ya 7: INZARA: Abanyarwanda b’ingeri zose kandi hose mu gihugu barataka inzara ibatema amara, n’abitwa ko bifite ntibagihaga. Kera za Ruzagayura, Rumanurimbaba n’izindi zabagaho zikarangira, ariko inzara umuherwe Kagame yateje Abanyarwanda kubwo kubarya imitsi, utwabo twose akatumiraza, arya akaribwa n’akataribwa, itumye benshi bagwa ruhabo basuhuka ubutitsa, ngo bashakire amaramuko iyo u Rwanda ruterwa inkingi.

    Kuki iyi nzara ije ubu, kuki yibasiye u Rwanda mu Karere rusangiyemo ikirere n’ibindi bihugu byo byeza bikanasagura?

    Uwavuga iby’ingoyi Kagame yashyize ku Banyarwanda mu myaka 23 ishize ababoshye, ntiyabisoza, kuko umunsi ku wundi u Rwanda rwongerwamo ingoyi.

    Yanditswe na Frank Steven Ruta






    Considering the current social, economic and political situation in Rwanda characterized by an unprecedented brutal dictatorship, social inequalities and injustices, flagrant violations of human rights and the country’s wealth by the ruling clique and its relatives;

    Concerned about the recurring problem of Rwandan refugees, the majority of whom live in inhumane and unacceptable conditions;

    Convinced that the only way to find a lasting solution to all these problems is to establish a genuine pluralist democracy that would allow an open debate to all Rwandans in order to carry out policies in line with the legitimate aspirations of the people;

    Regretting the manipulations of President Paul Kagame and his political party the RPF, in order to remain in power until 2034 according to their new modification of the Rwandan Constitution;


        To combine their efforts for a democratic change within a political platform called “RWANDAN MOVEMENT FOR DEMOCRATIC CHANGE”, “MRCD” for short.

        The objectives of the MRCD are:

        Fighting the dictatorship of the Rwandan Patriotic Front and its President, Paul KAGAME, for democratic change;
        Reconcile the Rwandan people who have been wounded by the 1990-1994 war that led to genocide and other crimes against humanity;
        To resolve the recurring problem of Rwandan refugees;
        Establishing the rule of law with genuine pluralistic democracy;
        Promote national development based on the legitimate aspirations of the Rwandan People;
        Develop a policy of good neighborliness and regional and international cooperation based on mutual interests.

        The MRCD Vision:

    The MRCD is a political platform created with the main objective of ending an oppressive regime and a new era of the revival of Rwandan politics where Rwandans-HUTU, TUTSI and TWA live in harmony and dignity, will participate in the development Of their country and, amicably will share power and create their own destiny

        The MRCD Fundamentals:

    All Rwandans are equal and are first and foremost human beings before being referred to Tutsi, Hutu or Twa.

    Thus, the main values ​​in which we believe and which must be embedded in the governance of our country are:

        Truth, Justice and Reconciliation
        National Unity
        Ethnic tolerance and non-discrimination
        Rule of law
        Respect for human rights
        True system of pluralist democracy
        Empathy and Tolerance
        Patriotism and love of work

        Openness and collaboration with other organizations:

    The MRCD is open to any other political organization, without any discrimination, which believes in the same values ​​and agrees to respect the rules of the platform.

    It is ready to collaborate with any political or civil society organization that advocates democracy, human rights and well-being of Rwandans in general.

    Thus we appeal to all; Rwandans and the international community to support our initiative and eventually join us in the platform.

    Done at Brussels, 04/07/2017




    Rwanda enters a new era of individual and political freedoms

    Dear Rwandans, Dear Rwandans, Friends of Rwanda,

    July 01, 1962, was an unforgettable date in the hearts of Rwandans, for it marked the recovery of freedom by putting an end to more than seven decades of colonisation and trusteeship.

    This independence also intervened in the furrow of the installation of the Republic, proclaimed on 28 January 1961, ending more than 4 centuries of feudal rule.

    The enthusiasm is therefore total when raising the first flag of independent Rwanda on July 1, 1962. Rwanda enters a new era of individual and political freedoms with the consecration of multiparty and pluralist elections according to the principle “one man one voice”.

    The young independent republic tries hard to tackle the development of independent Rwanda but is quickly confronted with the problem of refugees who have fled the exactions resulting from the Social Revolution of 1959 which led to the overthrow of the monarchy, The establishment of the Republic. While the majority of these refugees have serious reasons to fear for their lives, others, in this case the leaders, are more concerned about losing the benefits of their former status and do not intend to The new Republic. They multiplied the attacks against the young Republic, which resisted and put them in check definitively in 1967.

    Moreover, internal problems do not allow to maintain national cohesion and the first Republic was deposed on July 5, 1973, by a military coup, putting an end to all the hopes of a democratically elected power.

    On October 1, 1990, former refugees, members of the NRA (Ugandan Army), regrouped within the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), attack Rwanda and put forward the right of return of Rwandan refugees, Favorable to a part of the population, concerned about the equality of all Rwandans.

    On June 10, 1991, a new Constitution was passed, consecrating the multiparty system. Many political parties therefore formally enter the Rwandan political scene while the war between the RPF and the Rwandan government continues to rage.

    The appointment of an opposition-led government in June 1992 opened a new era and the Arusha negotiations began and led to a Memorandum of Understanding providing for the end of the war, the sharing of power between the RPF, MRND and the opposition parties in the MRND. This agreement, which was signed on 4 August 1993, gives the Rwandan people great hope.

    But this hope will fly very quickly with the attack on April 6, 1994, against the plane of the Rwandan President, an attack in which the presidents Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda, Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi, their sequels as well as the French crew perish.

    This attack triggered the genocide against Tutsi, a genocide in which thousands of Tutsis and “moderate” Hutus were massacred. Meanwhile, in the territories controlled by the RPF, thousands of Hutus were massacred by the RPF troops.

    On July 4, 1994, the RPF took power in a generalized bloodbath and established a regime, which first presented itself, under the power-sharing aspect, before taking possession of all powers, by ousting its Old allies who believed in his liberating discourse.

    Today, the RPF party has taken control of all sectors of the socio-economic life and the Rwandan people find themselves in the same situation as the one which had prompted this jolt of pride and reaching To its self-determination, freeing itself from all the yokes of colonialism and feudalism.

    Democracy is currently muzzled and the only party-state FPR and its allies have a right to the city. While a small fringe of the population gravitating around the head of state displays insolent opulence, the popular masses are dying of hunger. Famines are raging on the hills of Rwanda and their names like “Nzaramba” (I will be a long time) say a lot about the hope that the population has to see them disappear. This unprecedented crisis in food is not the result of chance, but a clear desire on the part of the authorities to starve people by cultivating crops that do not meet their primary needs.

    In the health sector, while the state should guarantee access to care for everyone, including the most deprived, the population that does not even have the means to meet food needs is harassed Authorities to pay the “mutual” when it does not have the means to do so. In some hospitals, even the dead bodies are confiscated, for lack of payment of the “mutual” by the family of the deceased.

    In the education sector, as the number of secondary and higher education institutions continues to grow, the level of education is declining proportionately. Rather than improving the education system, the “establishment” members send their progeny to study at the best western universities at the expense of the taxpayer.

    While poverty has reached a record level, the population is subjected to endless taxes and is even forced to pay special contributions to the RPF, including for non-members of the RPF.

    At the security level, when the country is presented to foreigners as one of the safest in Africa, there is not a day passing without the discovery of a corpse, the circumstances of which Death are never elucidated.

    The crackdown on opponents, human rights activists and journalists, is at record levels with political assassinations, arbitrary imprisonments and persecutions of all kinds.

    Meanwhile, General President Paul Kagame is preparing to take up his ninth term in a mock election, where he is going to compete on his own, wasting public money, without a real challenger, because he has refused to have serious elections Organized with candidates not belonging to the RPF.

    Dear Rwandans, dear Rwandans, friends of Rwanda,

    The celebration of the 55th anniversary of Rwanda’s independence is not a time of festivities for the majority of Rwandans. It is rather a moment of great anguish and sadness.

    May this moment allow each and everyone to realize that only a change of power will allow the restoration of the achievements of independence, as wanted by the historical leaders of these times immemorial like Messrs Joseph Habyarimana Gitera, Gregory Kayibanda, Anastase Makuza, Balthazar Bicamumpaka and their fighting companions.

    Long live the Republic, long live Rwanda.

    Done at Paris on 01 July 2017

    For Inkingi FDU

    Dr Mwiseneza Emmanuel

    Second Secretary General

    [email protected]


    Bosco Ntaganda is the Rwandan warlord

    Bosco Ntaganda is the Rwandan warlord and Congolese Tutsi (?) Who has been tried before the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague since 2015. Nicknamed “Terminator” for his cruelty, he is prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against Humanity committed in Ituri to the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo between 2000 and 2003.

    Bosco Ntaganda, who began to testify before the Court in his own defense, immediately justified his enlistment in various rebellions for saying he “stop the genocide”. Thus, he claims that as a combatant between 1990 and 1994 in the Tutsi rebellion from Uganda, that of the RPF, which seized power in Rwanda in 1994, he was participating in the “arrest of the genocide”. Similarly, by devastating Ituri at the head of the Hema militia fighting the Lendu, he wanted to “stop a genocide”!

    By adopting this defense strategy, Bosco Ntaganda intends to make genocide the backbone of his defense. And yet he is mistaken, unless he meets a benevolent ear of the judges and the prosecutor. This defense is far from the indictment made against him. There is no question of genocide in Rwanda, but of war crimes committed in the DRC and specified in the indictment. Bosco Ntaganda and his lawyers seek either mitigating circumstances or have the ICC accept the thesis of the orders received, and thus implicate President Kagame, the hierarchical superior. Except luck, he will not succeed in moving the judges. The prosecutor has no interest in involving Kagame. Nor do the judges. This would go against the general imperialist policy. Everyone knows that the Congo war was approved and financed by the great powers, which at the same time provided vital information to the Rwandan and Ugandan troops. These are not arguments that have been lacking in the various jurisdictions to condemn Kagame. The evidence is overwhelming and innumerable. On the other hand, it is easy to show that Ntaganda participated in the provocation of the genocide in Rwanda and that the claims to have arrested him are unfounded and are far from the truth.

    As a Rwandan born in Rwanda in 1973, Bosco (or Enéas) Ntaganda had no serious reason to complain. His father, Kanyabugoyi, an engineer, was general manager at the Ministry of Public Works in Rwanda. He was a Mugogwe. He was not a Tutsi civil servant. His son’s motivation is unique: to restore Tutsi, hegemonic and exclusive power. To pretend that he stopped the genocide is farcical. Participate in its programming yes. At his stop, no. In the Congo, Ntaganda applied the instructions of Kagame, emptied eastern DRC of any Bantu element, leaving a Tutsi or affiliated population there. It is in this sense that one must understand the words of Kagame when he regrets not having been able to reach and liquidate all the Hutu refugees in the DRC. This was one of the missions, not to mention the one entrusted to him by the imperialist powers to drive Mobutu out of power, in order to encourage plunder. Ntaganda was sent to the DRC to continue this action, which continues to this day. Racism has always been the basis of the ideology of the RPF. The rank of General and Commander-in-Chief in this region of Ituri is sufficient to account for the atrocities committed by his troops in this very remote region of Rwanda.

    By highlighting the genocide case in Rwanda and the DRC, Ntaganda blurs the trail. It is not true that the RPF stopped the genocide in Rwanda. He provoked it, yes! But he did not want him to stop before Kagame took over the total power. The assassination of President Habyarimana on 6 April 1994 was committed to ignite the fire, sacrificing the Tutsi. This was reflected in the statement of Claude Dusaidi and Gérard Gahima to the Security Council on 30 April 1994, in which both delegates categorically denied the existence of the genocide and opposed, on behalf of the RPF, Peacekeepers to bring order back to Rwanda. And they won! Let us add that the demands of the FARs of ceasefires were rejected by the RPF in April 1994. Several dissidents of the RPF, refugees abroad, maintain that: the RPF caused the genocide, murdering President Habyarimana, Whereas the consequences for the Tutsi population were predictable; By forbidding APR soldiers to rescue the Tutsi; By refusing to cease the fire before Kagame took over all power. It was this RPF action that led to the continuation of the massacres, often with the active and visible participation of the RPA soldiers.

    Unlike Kagame and his companions who have never been disturbed by the ICTR, Bosco Ntaganda is in the hands of the ICC and has to answer many specific charges. It is therefore unnecessary for him to assert the arguments put forward by the RPF to rule out prosecutions before the ICTR.

    Unless we keep hidden surprises behind this approach, it seems that Ntaganda and his lawyers are mistaken in court. To claim that Bosco Ntaganda should not be condemned by the ICC like the RPF people who were not harassed by the ICTR is simply irrelevant. Ntaganda’s indictment contains several counts, including 13 for war crimes and 5 for crimes against humanity. He is said to have been one of the most important commanders of ethnic crimes that killed 60,000 people. He is accused of orchestrating attacks by the FPLC, the armed wing of the Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC) predominantly Hema fighting mainly Lendu militias for control of this region with many gold mines. These attacks left behind bodies tied up in the arms, in underwear, disembowelled, heads crushed by drumsticks. Several witnesses have reported it to the Court. Very imbued with himself and known for having the trigger easy, the warlord would have given the orders, planned and scheduled operations, coordinated logistics and provided weapons. He also allegedly recruited children. “Kadogo”, “youth” in Swahili, girls and boys, whom he chose for his personal escort and whom he dressed and armed for combat.

    In conclusion, instead of seeking loopholes, the “Terminator” Bosco Ntaganda should courageously face these charges without seeking to instrumentalize the Rwandan genocide. His defense team should abandon this strategy of playing on the “Rwandan genocide”. Let us hope that the judges are vigilant and will not fall into the same trap in which some of their colleagues from the former ICTR have fallen. Affair certainly to follow.

    Emmanuel Neretse


    Tariki 14/05/2017 umusaza wo mu karere ka Kamonyi yazaniye uyu mugabo utuye i Kigali umukobwa we w’imyaka 25 wize ibyo gukora muri hoteli aramumusigira, uyu mwana we yongeye kumubona tariki 26/06/2017 iby’akazi byaravuyemo ibindi…

    Se w’uyu mukobwa yabwiye Umuseke ko uyu mugabo yamuzaniye umwana amwizeza ko azamubonera akazi ndetse ngo bazabanza mu mahugurwa y’amezi abiri kugira ngo atangire akazi. Ngo bakayakorera kwa Padiri i Kagugu baba no mu macumbi yaho.

    Aha hafi yo kwa Padiri niho uyu mugabo w’imyaka 45 yari yarakodesheje akazu k’icyumba kimwe, karimo umufariso. Niho yahise ajyana uyu mwana yari amaze guhabwa na se. Ariko iby’akazi byavuyemo ibyo kuba umugore we nk’uko uyu mukobwa abivuga.

    Uyu mukobwa afite imyaka 25 ati « Namaze iminsi aho muri iyo nzu akambwira ko ariko ngomba kujya mufata neza tukaryamana mu gihe atarambonera akazi. Tariki 07/06 nabonye azanye undi mukobwa ngo w’i Butare mu i Rango (Huye) ubwo nibwo noneho yatangiye kujya adusambanya twembi buri munsi akatwakuranwaho. Akatubwira ko nidukomeza kumufata neza aribwo azagira imbaraga zo kudushakira akazi. »

    Uyu mukobwa yazanye nyuma we afite imyaka 20, yamubwira ko azamushakira akazi ko gukora isuku muri Hoteli uyu wa mbere we akazamushakira ako guteka kuko ari nabyo yize.

    Aba bakobwa ngo yabahaga amafaranga igihumbi (1000Frw) buri munsi ngo abatunge. Bakomeza kuba aho ariko banibaza amaherezo kuko babonaga akazi kari gutinda kandi nawe akomeza kuryamana nabo gusa.

    Uyu mukobwa ati « twageze aho dufata umwanzuro wo kumwima, tumubwirako yatubeshye. Kuva ubwo arivumbura ntiyagaruka muri iyo nzu yari yarakodesheje aribwo muri icyo cyumweru Papa yahise aza ashakisha atugeraho arantwara. »

    Uyu mugabo wari ucumbikiye aba bakobwa ngo yanyuzagamo akabaka telephone zabo kandi akabwira aba bakobwa kujya babwira ab’iwabo ko bari mu mahugurwa.

    Aho yabakodeshereje yarababeshye

    Umuseke wagiye aho aba bakobwa bari barakodesherejwe inzu nto y’icyumba kimwe. Nyiri igipangu aba bakobwa bari bakodesherejwemo mu mudugudu wa Rukingu Akagari ka Kagugu Umurenge wa Kinyinya muri Gasabo avuga ko uyu mugabo yamubeshye.

    Ngo yaje gukodesha iyi nzu tariki 13/05 aherekejwe n’umukobwa uvuga ikigande ukora muri Hotel nayo iri muri aka kagari.

    Nyiri inzu ati «  Uriya mugabo aza gushaka inzu ntiyegeze abwirako hari abandi bantu bazayibanamo cyangwa ko azayibanamo n’umugore, yabwiye ko inzu ariwe uyishaka.uzayibamoariko hashize iminsi nsangamo abakobwa babiri bambwira ko babana nawe uwo mugabo ariko yagiye kukazi. »

    Uyu mugore nyiri inzu avuga ko yakomeje kujya abaza aba bakobwa ibyabo bakamubwira ko uyu mugabo wabazanye aba yagiye kukazi, bakamubwira kandi ko ari mwene wabo.

    Ati « rwose i Kigali ni ubucuruzi numvaga icya ngombwa ari uko yanyishyuye nubwo mu masezerano twagiranye harimo ko yemeye ko azayibamo wenyine.  »

    Uyu mugabo we avuga ko uwo azi ari umukobwa umwe

    Kuri telephone igendanwa yemeje ko uyu mukobwa wo ku Kamonyi yamuhawe na se ngo amushakishirize akazi akamukodeshereza inzu i Kigali kugira ngo nabona ibiraka ajye amurangira ari hafi. Uwo wundi w’i Butare w’imyaka 20 ngo ntawe azi, nubwo nyiri inzu we yemeza ko babagamo ari abakobwa babiri.

    Uyu mugabo wubatse uvuga ko afite imyaka 45 avuga ko atari uriya wenyine yari agiye gufasha kubona akazi ko hari n’abandi benshi yagiye akarangira mbere. Ahakana ko atigeze aryamana n’uwo mukobwa.

    Ati « Njyewe ndi umuntu w’umugabo mukuru ntabwo ibyo bishobora kumbaho bariya n’abantu bari inyuma y’abo nabanye nabo kuko urebye abo bana uvuga ukareba n’aho nakoze njyewe ndi umuntu ukuze, yaba ibyo binabaho ntabwo najya muri bariya bana najya mu bakuze kuko barahari kandi bameze neza bafite n’uko babayeho nkanswe bariya bana. Ikindi kandi uriya mwana turaturanye iwacu Kamonyi ubwo rero ntabwo nari gutinyuka gukora ibintu nk’ibyo. »

    Avuga ko yabakodeshereje ku Kagugu kuko ngo ariho aba ari kenshi kandi akora ibijyanye n’amahoteli uriya mukobwa wa Kamonyi yize. Kandi ati «  rero niho nabonaga nabasha gukurikirana umwana yagira n’ikibazo nkaba ndi hafi ye, ntabwo nari kumujyana ahantu ntari. »

    Uyu mugabo avuga ko umubyeyi w’uyu mwana waje kumutwara yagombaga kwihangana akazi kakaboneka kuko yashoboraga kumara n’amezi 10 akazi kataraboneka.

    Ingingo ya 196 mu gitabo cy’amategeko ahana y’u Rwanda isobanura ko hariho icyaha cyo « gukoresha undi muntu imibonano mpuzabitsina nta bwumvikane bubayeho, hakoreshejwe imbaraga, iterabwoba cyangwa uburiganya. »

    Ingingo ya 197 ikavuga ko « Umuntu wese ukoresha imibonano mpuzabitsina ku gahato umuntu ufite nibura imyaka cumi n’umunani (18) y’amavuko ahanishwa igifungo kirenze imyaka itanu (5) kugeza ku myaka irindwi (7). »

    Urubyiruko, cyane urudafite akazi, rugirwa inama yo kwirinda abashobora kubashuka babakubiranye n’ubushomeri bakabizeza ibitangaza ariko nyamara ntabyo ahubwo bashobora kwisanga mu bikorwa nk’ibi aba bavuga, cyangwa ibibi birenze ibi byo kubagurisha (human trafficking).


    Abakora ubucuruzi bwambukiranya imipaka baravuga imyato serivisi nziza bahabwa
    Abacuruzi bakora ubucuruzi bwambukiranya imipaka baravuga ko serivisi bahabwa iyo binjije ibicuruzwa mu Rwanda ndetse n’iyo bajyanye ibicuruzwa mu mahanga zarushijeho kuba nziza bituma akazi bakora karushaho kwihuta.

    Kunoza ubucuruzi bwambukiranya imipaka ndetse no gukomeza kunoza ubuhahirane n’ibindi bihugu, ni mwe muri gahunda Guverinoma y’u Rwanda yihaye mu gushyiraho ingamba zigamije guteza imbere ubucuruzi bwambukiranya imipaka zashyizweho mu mwaka wa 2012.

    Abantu ku mupaka w’u Rwanda na Kongo Kinshasa baba ari urujya n’uruza

    Guhuza ibikorwa by’imipaka, korohereza abinjira n’abasohoka mu gihugu hifashishijwe ikoranabuhanga, gukuraho amahoro ya gasutamo y’ibicuruzwa bikorerwa mu bihugu bihuriye mu muryango w’Ubucuruzi w’ibihugu by’Afurika y’i Burasirazuba n’Amajyepfo y’Afurika (COMESA) ndetse n’Ibihugu byo mu muryango w’Afurika y’Uburasirazuba (EAC) ni bimwe mu byakomeje gushyirwamo imbaraga ndetse bamwe mu bakora ubucuruzi bwambukiranya imipaka bakaba bavuga ko ibikorwa byo kuborohereza mubyo bakora bikomeje kubageza ku musaruro mwiza.

    Abacuruzi bakoresha umupaka wa Rusumo bavuga ko gutegereza ku mupaka byabaye amateka:

    • Twajyaga tumara amasaha ane dutegereje ibyangombwa ku mipaka yombi ubu turamara iminota 20 gusa.
    • Inshuro nkoresha umupaka zikubye gatatu kubera sirivisi nziza kandi yihuta dusigaye duhabwa.
    • Ibihugu byose byo mu karere byorohereje abacuruzi nk’uko mu Rwanda bimeze ntacyatubuza gutera imbere.

    Ayo ni amwe mu magambo y’abacuruzi bakoresha umupaka wa Rusumo baganiriye n’Imvaho Nshya

    Abanyarwanda bajya muri Kongo Kinshasa no mu Rwanda bifashisha ibyuma bya Automated Passenger Clearance System (APCS) byashyizwe kuri Poids-lourds kuva 2013 ngo bifashe abaturiye umupaka (border community) mu rujya n’uruza hagati ya Rubavu na Goma
    Mosha Gabriel, ukomoka muri Tanzaniya avuga ko iyo yabaga agiye kwinjira mu Rwanda yageraga ku biro bishinzwe abinjira n’abasohoka muri Tanzaniya akahamara amasaha hafi ane yaza kubiro bishinzwe abinjira n’abasohoka mu Rwanda akahamara andi masaha hafi ane ariko ubu ibyangombwa bimwemerera kuva mu gihugu ajya mu kindi asigaye abibona mu gihe kitarenze iminota 20.

    Mosha yagize ati “Amasaha namaraga kugira ngo mve ku mupaka byabaga ari hafi y’amasaha umunani ariko ubu iminota myinshi mara ni 20. Iyo nturutse Tanzaniya ntabwo uhagarara ku ruhande rwa Tanzaniya, nongera guhagarara ngeze mu Rwanda ugera ku ruhande rw’u Rwanda ugasanga muri ofisi (Office) imwe ishinzwe abinjira n’abasohoka hakoreramo umunyarwanda n’Umutanzaniya byose bakabikora bari kumwe. Uba wamaze kwishyura umusoro , baba bamaze kureba ko nta bintu bitemewe utwaye n’ibindi. Niyo uvuye mu Rwanda ibintu byose bikorerwa ku ruhande rwa Tanzaniya kuruhande rw’u Rwanda ntabwo uhagarara.

    Mosha akomeza avuga ko serivisi nziza zitangirwa ku mupaka wa Rusumo w’u Rwanda na Tanzaniya zigeze no ku yindi mipaka y’ibindi bihugu byafasha abacuruzi kwihuta mu byo bakora ndetse n’ubukungu bw’ibihugu byo muri Afurika y’Iburasirazuba bukiyongera.

    Ku mupaka w’u Rwanda na Kongo Kinshasa Poids Lourd ufiite umwihariko wo kwakira abantu benshi buri munsi
    Rugazora Paul ukorera ku mupaka wa Rusumo avuga ko ugereranyije no mu gihe cyashize ubu umupaka ukora neza cyane serivisi zihatangirwa zikaba zihuta cyane.

    Rugazora yagize ati “ Mbere umupaka utarahuzwa hagaragaragamo ibibazo kuko imodoka yagendaga ihagarara kuri buri ruhande amasaha menshi ikayamara ihagaze abacuruzi bashaka ibyangombwa ariko ubu ni One stop border post. Iminota myinshi umucuruzi amara kugira ngo imodoka ibe imaze kubona ibyangombwa n’iminota 20 agakomeza urugendo.”

    Rugazora avuga ko imodoka zikoreye ibicuruzwa zisigaye zikora ingendo nyinshi cyane ku buryo ku munsi yakira imodoka 150 mu gihe umupaka utarahuzwa yakiraga imodoka 40 gusa.

    Nsekonziza Alodia ukoresha umupaka wa Rusumo yabwiye Imvaho Nshya ko mbere umupaka utarahuzwa akazi kagendaga gahoro cyane ariko ubu ibyo bakora birihuta kuko umucuruzi wo mu Rwanda adashobora guhagarara ku ruhande rw’u Rwanda kandi agiye Tanzaniya ahubwo ahagarara ku ruhande rwa Tanzaniya ndetse n’umucuruzi uje mu Rwanda ntabwo ahagarara ku ruhande rwa Tanzaniya ahubwo ahagarara mu Rwanda. Nsekonziza avuga ko ikibazo gishobora kubakoma mu nkokora abaka batinda ari igihe habuze connection.

    Umwe mu bayobozi b’umupaka wa Rusumo avuga ko umupaka ukora amasaha 16 aho bafungura saa kumi n’ebyiri za mu gitondo bagafunga saa yine z’ijoro akaba ari saa moya za mu gitondo muri Tanzaniya na saa tanu z’ijoro.

    Yakomeje avuga ko ibikorwa byo guhuza umupaka byakozwe n’abayobozi b’ibihugu byombi ku itariki ya 6 Mata 2016 byakemuye ibibazo byinshi. Yagize ati “ Hariho ikibazo gikomeye cyane cyo kwihuta kwa serivisi z’abambuka mu bihugu byombi byaba ku bacuruzi ndetse n’abagenzi ariko ubu byarakosowe
    Ubu ikiraro cyarubatswe ikamyo zibisikana ari ebyiri ku kiraro ndetse n’abakozi bashinzwe abinjira n’abasohoka bose bakorera hamwe byaba ku ruhande rwa Tanzaniya ndetse n’u Rwanda.

    Mbere y’uko umupaka uhuzwa inzego zishinzwe abinjira n’abasohoka zakiraga abagenzi bari hagati ya 900 ndetse 1000 ariko ubu umupaka wakira abantu bambuka umupaka bari hagati ya 2000 ndetse na 2500. Ikamyo zambukaga umupaka zije mu Rwanda zavuye kuri 80 ku munsi ubu zigeze 180.

    Umupaka wa Rubavu “ Poids lourd” ku isonga mu kwakira abantu benshi kubera serivisi nziza

    Kujya muri Kenya na Uganda ntibigisaba Passport indangamuntu irahagije
    Abantu basaga ibihumbi 45 ni bo babasha kwambuka umupaka wa Poids lourd uzwi ku izina rya Petite Barriere uhuza u Rwanda na Repubulika Iharanira Demokarasi ya Kongo.
    a. N’amazi abakongomani bayagura mu Rwanda
    b. Umupaka wa Petite Barriere ni umupaka wa kabiri ukoreshwa n’abantu benshi ku isi
    c. Nta munyarwanda ujya kwitabaza abishinzwe abinjira n’abasohoka kandi afite indangamuntu bafite ibyuma by’ikoranabuhanga Automated Passenger Clearance System (APCS) byashyizwe Poids-lourds kuva 2013 bifasha abaturiye umupaka (border community) mu rujya n’uruza hagati ya Rubavu na Goma bibafasha gukoresha indangamuntu yabo bambuka.
    d. Icyifuzo cyacu nuko umupaka wakora amasaha 24/24 byadufasha cyane

    Ni amwe mu magambo ya bamwe mu bakoresha umupaka wa Rubavu Petite Barriere ndetse n’ubuyobozi bw’umupaka wa Rubavu .

    Nk’uko bamwe mu bakoresha umupaka wa Rubavu uhuza u Rwanda na RDC babivuga kwambuka umupaka ujya muri Repubulika Iharanira Demokarasi ya Kongo ndetse uza no mu Rwanda biroroshye cyane.

    Niyonzima Innocent waganiriye n’Imvaho Nshya yambuka ajya muri Repubulika Iharanira Demokaasi ya Kongo yavuze ko afite indangamuntu bikaba bimworohera kujya muri Kongo Kinshasa. Yagize ati “ Iyo ngiye muri RDC nkoresha indangamuntu nkoresha icyuma cya PSC nkambuka ndetse n’iyo ngarutse ni ko mbigenza.”

    Umunyekongo Kasonila Moses yabwiye Imvaho Nshya ko kwinjira mu Rwanda uturutse Repubulika Iharanira Demokarasi ya Kongo byoroshye cyane ndetse ngo ibintu byinshi babihaha mu Rwanda. Yagize ati “ Mba mfite ikarita yanjye nkoresha iyo nambuka njya mu Rwanda kandi ni bintu byoroshye, gusa byadufasha cyane turamutse tubonye indangauntu nk’Abanyarwanda n’umupaka ugakora amasaha 24/7. ”

    Kasonila yakomeje avuga ko mu Rwanda baborohereza gukora ubucuruzi ndetse ngo ni na yo mpamvu bakunda kuza mu Rwanda. Yagize ati “ Iyo tuje gucuruza mu Rwanda bimwe mu bicuruzwa bikorerwa muri Kongo ntabwo dusora. Turacyafite ikibazo cyo kuba tutarabona indangamuntu y’ikoranabuhanga nko mu Rwanda ariko nituramuka tuyihawe bizatworohera nk’uko Abanyarwanda biborohera.”

    Umuyobozi w’umupaka wa Rubavu uhuza u Rwanda na RDC Tunga Guillome Salem avuga ko umupaka wa Rubavu ukoreshwa n’abantu basaga ibihumbi 45 ariko ngo hashyizweho uburyo bworoshye bwo gukurikirana abantu bakoresha umupaka w’u Rwanda na Repubulika Iharanira Demokarasi ya Kongo .

    Yagize ati “ U Rwanda rwashyizeho uburyo bunoze bwo gufasha abantu gukoresha umupaka wa Rubavu. Abaturage baturuka mu mirenge irindwi ya Rubavu bakoresha indangamuntu n’igikumwe mu kwambuka n’Abakongomani baba bafite udukarita(jeton) tubafasha kwambuka twebwe tureba ko imyirondoro iriho ari iyabo.”

    Tunga yakomeje avuga ko ibicuruzwa binyura kuri uyu mupaka ari byinshi cyane kandi bikaba bifasha abaturage b’impande zombi kwiteza imbere. Yagize ati “ Ibicuruzwa biri ku kigero kiri hejuru ya 97% bigurwa mu Rwanda ndetse no kugeza no ku mazi.”

    Abakoresha umupaka wa Gatuna na Kagitumba baruhutse gusiragira kuri Passport

    Ku mipaka ya Kagitumba na Gatuna ihuza u Rwanda na Uganda himakajwe gukoresha indangamuntu. Abacuruzi n’abagenzi bakoresha iyi mipaka bavuga ko baruhutse guhora basiragira kuri Passport ndetse na Laisse Passe.

    Kaberuka Valantin avuga ko baruhutse byinshi harimo kwirirwa basiragira ku karere bashaka Passport ndetse na Laissez- Passer . Yagize ati “ Twaruhutse byinshi hari ukwishyura amafaranga menshi ya Pass Port ndetse no guhora usiragira ku karere ujya kureba ko PassPort yawe yabonetse . Ni iby’igiciro kuba ufite indangamuntu yonyine uva mu Rwanda ukagera Kenya nta muntu uguhagaritse ukagaruka.” Kaberuka avuga ko nta mihangayiko agihura na yo ahubwo asohoka mu gihugu igihe cyose ashakiye.

    Umurundi Nkirakumana Jean Pierre twasanze ku mupaka wa Gatuna yatangarije Imvaho Nshya ko serivisi bahabwa ku mupaka wa Gatuna ari nziza cyane ugereranyije no ku yindi mipaka yaba iyo muri Uganda ndetse na Kenya .

    Yagize ati “ Ntwara ikamyo nkava mu Burundi nkanyura mu Rwanda na Kenya ariko ku mupaka wa Gatuna ni ho haba serivisi nziza kandi zihuta . Iyo ushaka gusinyisha ujya ku murongo ukakirwa uko waje. Yagize ati “ Nta kimenyane, nta ruswa byose bikorwa mu mucyo. Mu Burundi turacyafite ikibazo kuko igihugu cyacu kitaratangira gahunda nk’iyo u Rwanda Uganda na Kenya bihaye yo gukoresha indangamuntu ariko babikoze kimwe nk’uko u Rwanda rwabikoze byatworohera cyane. Kwinjira mu Rwanda uturutse i Burundi n’ahandi turacyakoresha PassPort ni ikibazo kuri twebwe kuko igihugu cyacu kitarinjira muri iyi gahunda babikoze nk’uko mu Rwanda babikoze ubuhahirane bwarushaho kuba bwiza na serivisi zitangirwa ku mipaka zikarushaho ku banziza .”

    Umuyobozi ushinzwe guteza imbere ubucuruzi bwambukiranya imipaka muri MINEACOM Tayebwa James avuga ko gahunda yo koroshya ubucuruzi bwambukiranya imipaka yatangiye mu mwaka wa 2012 nyuma y’aho hamaze kugaragara ko hari ubucurizi bwambukiranya imipaka buciritse burimo imboga, inyama n’ibindi budakorwa neza uko bikwiye biturutse ahanini ku mbogamizi abacuruzi bahuraga nazo ku mipaka.

    Tayebwa yakomeje avuga ko icyahise gishyirwamo imbaraga n’ukubaka amasoko kugira ngo abacuruzi bato bacuruza amafaranga make bajye babona ibicuruzwa mu buryo bworoshye. Ikindi cyakozwe n’ukubahugura bagasobanurirwa imisoro bagomba gusora n’iyo bakuriweho n’ibindi byabafasha kwiteza imbere. Amasoko arimo kubakwa azaba arimo ibyuma bikonjesha kugira ngo ibicuruzwa bitaguzwe nk’inyama imboga n’ibindi bibe byabikwa neza. Hazashyirwamo kandi ibiro bishinzwe gutanga amakuru ku bikorwa bikorerwa ku mupaka n’ibindi. Aya masoko arubakwa ku mupaka wa Rubavu, Cyanika, Rusizi, ku Kanyaru Nyaruguru ndetse na Karongi.

    Nyuma yo guhuza umupaka wa Rusumo ikamyo zinjiraga n’izisohoka zariyongereye cyane
    Tayebwa yagize ati “ Mu bijyanye no gufasha abacuruzi bato kwiteza imbere hamaze gutangwa amafaranga agera kuri miliyoni 180 yahawe amakoperative agera kuri 40 yo mu turere icyenda duhana imbibi n’ibihugu bihana imbibi n’u Rwanda . Hamaze guhugurwa abanyamuryango bibumbiye mu makoperative agera kuri 74 bakaba bahugurwa uburyo bwo gucunga umutungo wa Koperative n’ibindi.

    Ikindi cyakozwe ni ukongerera igishoro abacuruzi bato bakangurirwa kwegera ibigo by’imari nka BDF n’ibindi .Tayebwa avuga ko bafite intumbero yo gukomeza koroshya ubucuruzi bwambukiranya imipaka ndetse no gukomeza gukorana n’ibihugu bihana imbibi n’u Rwanda mu rwego rwo gukomeza kwiteza imbere.


    Rwanda poor event organising

    THE local entertainment industry is never short of setbacks. Poor planning and lack of sponsorship remains a stumbling block for many event organisers.

    Such was the case with the highly billed ‘Rwanda Turn Up’ musical tour in which leading artistes were supposed to hold shows in different parts of the country.

    Preeminence Company Ltd, a Belgium-based event management company, the organisers of the tour has cancelled the remaining shows citing budgetary constraints and mismanagement.
    Although the tour was due to take place at four venues, it was called off after only two shows in Musanze and Kayonza on August 12 and 19 respectively.

    Two more shows were expected to take place at Petit Stade on August 26 and finally Rubavu on September 2 but they were never to be.

    Counting his losses, Olivier Tuyishimire, the brain behind the entertainment tour, blamed the flop of the tour on poor management and a clash with bigger concerts involving popular artistes.

    “We incurred losses due to signing expensive deals with artistes and we were also affected by the tour coinciding with other events including The Ben and Meddy’s performances at Kwita Izina Gala Dinner and Mutzig Beer Fest 2017 respectively,” said Tuyishimire.
    He said that he trusted some local partners to help him drive the tour but they let him down.

    “I had trusted my management team to make the tour a success since I did not have enough information about Rwandan showbiz. They did not anticipate and poorly scheduled the event and also signed expensive contracts with artistes, all of which put me in a loss,” he said.

    Tuyishimire also failed to get sponsors to come on board and as a result did not meet contractual obligations with the artistes.

    After cancelling the tour, Tuyishimire has approached the Ministry of Sports and Culture, looking to get a refund of the money he paid for Petit Stade, one of the scheduled venues where Rwanda Turn Up would be held.

    Social Mula, Oda Paccy, Bruce Melodie and Dream Boys and Bull Dogg were the local stars supposed to headline the tour but they fell out with organisers over unpaid monies, including for the earlier performances.

    Social Mula said he has no hope of getting paid the money he worked for since the payment date agreed with organizers has already passed.

    Meanwhile, Dream Boyz pulled out of the tour, following a heated misunderstanding with the organisers before they performed in Kayonza.

    Other events that suffered the brunt of poor organisation and advertisement over the past months include; the 6th edition of the annual Rwanda Movie Awards on July 7th, in Kigali, and the ‘Pressing Forward’, headlined by Tanzanian singer and songwriter Darassa. Both shows were expected to attract a big fan base but only just a handful of revellers attended.


    Ange Kagame is in the marriage mood

    Ange Kagame is in the marriage mood

    Despite his intimidation, kidnappings, incarceration, torture and assassinations; the junta regime won’t manage to stop souls that are crying for their basic freedoms from challenging the brutal status quo.

    As promised in my Sunday posting, today, I will be looking at the extravagances of the Kagames, how love is in the horizon within the junta family and how the chief vampire will very soon expect to be a father in-law. Dear Rwandans, the chief vampire’s daughter – Rwanda’s princess, Ange Kagame is in the marriage mood. May be, before the gigantic marriage, a happy Paul Kagame will release all political prisoners from his torture jails, that is my wishful thinking!

    Ange Kagame is in the marriage mood

    The princess’s love, it’s a love that started and blossomed in USA, when Ange Kagame was studying in Boston for her undergraduate degree, she fell in love with a Senegalese college basketball player. This Senegalese boy was her first real boyfriend and it was a serious relationship. When I say a first serious relationship, I hope you will get what I mean (the eater of goods). When her mother Jeannette Kagame Gasana heard about the relationship through the then chief of security to criminal Paul Kagame’s children in USA, Major Patrick Karuretwa (now is a Lt Col and the Principle Private Secretary to Lucifer), after hearing this, Jeannette Kagame Gasana moved in quickly to stop this relationship.

    According to my trusted source within the junta’s inner circle, Jeannette Kagame Gasana told her that, “if she wants a long life she should end the relationship otherwise her father will kill her with his own hands.” With enormous pressure from her mother, the young girl ended the relationship but kept having some casual sex in times of needs. The mother who was then de facto vice president of Rwanda instructed Major Patrick Karuretwa to increase surveillance around Ivan and Ange Kagame, with more presidential guards personnel getting scholarships to the same USA campus as the first family, the main aim being to create a surveillance and security ring around the children.

    This made Jeannette Kagame Gasana to move in search of a sweeter to her daughter, in September 2016 during Kagame day in San Francisco -USA, what some quarters call Rwanda day, Rwanda’s princess – Ange Kagame was introduced Bertrand Ndengeyingoma known as Billy among his peers; a tall, handsome and well-built young man. In terms of looks, he is a match to Rwanda’s young princess, since Rwanda is now a corporation under the Kagame dynasty.

    Below I have shared a photo of Bertrand Ndengeyingoma known as Billy among his peers wearing a black T-shirt and his best friend Manzi wearing a jacket.

    Bertrand Ndengeyingoma is a brother to Kaliza Belise the Chief Operation Officer of RDB and children to Mzee Cyrille Ndengeyingoma a businessman, for those who know Kigali very well, Mzee Cyrille owns the building opposite Ecole Belge in Kigali.

    According to my reliable sources within the Junta’s inner circle, they first met in September 2016, by December 2016, Rwanda’s princess had travelled to USA 3 times for her dates using the father’s other jet – Gulfstream 4. In 2017, from January up to August 2017 at the time of the sham elections, the princess had travelled to USA more than 6 times. During this period, in all the Junta’s travels to USA, her daughter always accompanied him and some other travels, she had to use her father’s jet to go for her arranged dates with her lover.

    Did the Kagames use state coffers to fund such extravagances? Or the Kagames were using and still using their ill-gotten wealth to sponsor such extravagances? You may have your own opinion. She introduced the young man to her father in 2017, and Rwanda’s criminal Junta seems to be happy with the choice.

    After the sham elections where the Junta anointed himself as the King of his corporation known as Rwanda, the daughter approached the father with a request for her master’s degree in the USA. Since 2015, Ange Kagame has been working in the president’s office; she was initially posted in the communication department at same time shadowing Ines Mpambara, the chief of staff to the president. By august 2017, she was shadowing Lt Col Patrick Karuretwa the Principle Private Secretary to the president and her former body guard in USA.

    Mid-September, under Village Urugwiro secrecy and spreading calculated misinformation to state house staffs in order to divert them. Ange Kagame started her master’s degree at Colombia University school of International and Public studies in USA. She is under the department of public affairs, as I post, she is pondering over her thesis topic which will be submitted mid – August 2018.

    For the princess, this course isn’t essential to her. The main objective of undertaking this course was to create an opportunity of being close to her lover – Bertrand Ndengeyingoma known as Billy among his peers; the young lovers want to know each other away from the preying eyes of Rwandans. Unfortunately, the corporal has ears on the ground.

    Now, very soon, Kagame is going to be father in-law, but at what cost? By being a father in-law, will it galvanise a new Paul Kagame that will embrace the rule of law, human rights and constitution democracy? Definitely note. In this reunion, the Ndengeyingoma will be the eventual losers. The future will tell, unless fortune favours them and the wedding doesn’t go ahead.

    For Jeannette Kagame, the architecture of this marriage project, she is pushing for the wedding, but the young lovers prefer to take it slow and getting to know each other very well. For Jeannette Kagame Gasana, her wishes has always been for her children to never get married or marry to Rwandan families that came from Uganda, that is why, when Rwanda’s junta was pushing his first son to marry Joseph Mugisha’s daughter, behind the scenes, Jeannette Kagame Gasana undermined the marriage plan. On this, I totally don’t blame her. FUCK THE SAJYA MARONS!

    Ndengeyingoma family is from Burundi, well respected among Rwandans from Burundi. Mzee Cyrille Ndengeyingoma is a perfect father in-law that any parent would wish for her daughter. In the past, early 2000s, Mzee Cyrille Ndengeyingoma used to play tennis against Paul Kagame at cercle sportif in Kigali. This was before criminal Paul Kagame built a tennis court at Village Urugwiro – State house.

    As Israelmore Ayivor noted, “don’t fear to inform an oppressed society.” It’s from this ideology that the corporal will continue being your messanger until the last breath.